May 25, 2022 | Health and Wellness |
Our last post talked about the different types of topical cannabis to choose from. And in today’s post, we explore the 7 reasons you should use topical cannabis! 1. Topical cannabis reduces inflammation. Let’s face it. We all experience inflammation in some form...
May 19, 2022 | Brand, Health and Wellness |
You inhale cannabis. You also eat cannabis. But did you know that you can also rub cannabis onto your skin for health benefits? Before you run to the pharmacy and buy the first bottle labelled “CBD lotion” that you see on the shelf, know the 7 effective...
May 12, 2022 | Brand, Health and Wellness |
Did you know that CBD is good for you and good for your pet as well? But before you run out to the closest dispensary to buy CBD for your pet Penny, here are 9 things you need to know about CBD for your pet first. 1: Cats and dogs can have CBD too! Like you, your pet...
May 5, 2022 | Health and Wellness |
You just finished smoking a fatty. 20 minutes go by and suddenly, you stand up from the couch, head straight for the pantry, and grab an open bag of Doritos. Then you remember that you have a large slice of leftover cheesecake from your Aunt Wilma’s Sunday...
Apr 29, 2022 | Health and Wellness |
You’ve probably heard about cannabinoids. You may have even heard of terpenes. But have you heard of flavonoids? What are cannabis flavonoids anyway? Flavonoids are another essential chemical compound found in cannabis plants that tend to be overshadowed by...
Apr 22, 2022 | Health and Wellness |
As the saying goes, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. That seems to be the case with cannabis. It’s known as the entourage effect. But What’s the Entourage Effect exactly? Think about the entourage of your five best friends. You and your crew go to a...